Marketing to New Residents Pay Dividends

Marketing to New Residents Pay Dividends For Business Owners Of North Carolina

La Prensa Magazine North Carolina

New Mover Marketing

It is a harsh reality, but the economy is not improving and business owners in Wilmington area are feeling the pressure as businesses and consumers continue to cut costs. What can the small business owner do to survive when things get (and stay) difficult?

This information may be surprising, but marketing to new residents is still the most effective lead generation instrument for small businesses. Even in today’s world of electronic mail campaigns and social media, marketing new residents has the most sustainable impact because it reaches and affects potential customers before they have established options.

Eddie Zaragova, manager of General Restaurant San Felipe de Shallote, could not agree more and says his four-year relationship with Bassam Safi and his new company marketing new residents, Our Town America has been the catalyst for much of his hit. “We started working with Bassam in December 2007 and currently see an average of 25-30 certificates redeemed each month,” says Zaragova. “So we are known as the ‘best Mexican food around’.”

But we would not have the opportunity to demonstrate that without the help of Our Town America to get customers to try our restaurants for the first time. Bassam and his team really know how to create and promote robust offerings that bring new residents through our door, but the actual program is successful because our food and customer service wins customers for life!”

Safi could not agree more. He says the success of the Our ​​Town America program is based on achieving new residents as soon as they arrive in the city with valuable offers.

“We were able to generate such impressive results for small business owners like Eddie because they are willing to make a strong bid for its prospects,” says Safi.

New residents are willing to try out San Felipe when they receive a personalized welcome package, because Eddie is willing to give them a free lunch or dinner when you redeem your gift certificate at one of its locations.

“Offering free food, and completing it with great tasting options and great service as Eddie does, have a lasting impact on new residents that usually translates into customer loyalty in the long term.” Our Town America packages are also particularly effective for businesses like San Felipe that target Hispanic residents, as they can create bilingual gift certificates. According to Safi, many owners of small firms have reaped huge benefits of this unique feature.

“I, too, was an immigrant when I came to America and knew limited English, so I know how much it means when someone is treating you in your language,” says Safi. “I can not tell you how many times one of my sponsors has been excited by the response they receive when working with us to create a bilingual offer.”

There really is nothing more effective to raise customer loyalty than to talk to potential customers in a way that resonates. Speaking their language is definitely the best way to do it.

Bassam Safi, a Lebanese-American owner and operator of Our Town America in the Wilmington, NC area, has truly carried and elevated the traditional “American Dream.”

His business is truly helping businesses in Wilmington, Raleigh, Charlotte and beyond. He has become a successful franchisee in network marketing and direct sales programs. Safi and the Our Town America program help new residents and local businesses build loyal long-term relationships within their communities.